25000th CPEFibre produced

The 25000th CPEFibre has just been produced for the SIEA’s Li@n network (Ain) ! IFOTEC has always worked for the reduction of digital divide and the reinforcement of the attractiveness of the territories by designing solutions for the activation, multi-operator multi-service of #FTTx networks.
Our CPEFibre Gigabit Ethernet modules, installed at the subscriber’s premises or in the immediate vicinity, provide very high speed access for businesses (FTTO/FTTH access) or individuals (FTTH) that can be shared between four independent operators.
The CPEFibre module is not only a product but a broadband access system for the subscriber that includes fibre management functions for the connection.
For more than 12 years, the CPEFibre is the symbol of the close collaboration between IFOTEC and the Syndicat Intercommunal d’énergie et de e-communication de l’Ain (SIEA).
To find out more about the CPEFibre module