In order to reduce the cost of access to optical fibre for businesses, particularly in business parks that have benefited from first-generation local authority networks (RIP), IFOTEC has developed a shared neutral activation solution that supplies each business in each of the business parks with optical fibre from a single point of access (local or remote).

The principle

Where the FTTO (Fiber to the Office) offer is economically unaffordable for small businesses and SMEs, the principle adopted is to pool/share fibre access in the same business parks.

It consists :

  1. At point of access, to install a switch capable of creating a neutral link between the various service operators (locally installed or remote) and the different business parks to serve.
  2. At the sharing point of the business parks (point of access cabinet), install an optical switch with Gigabit Ethernet links to the cabinet and 8 or 16 Fast Ethernet links to businesses.
  3. In the business to install an access module (CPE), allowing a neutral access to all the services of all the operators present on the territory.
  4. The CPEFibre subscriber module, delivered with more than 20,000 copies, already provides professional access to dozens of operators in France (OBS, SFR, Completel, ADISTA, ALSATIS, Celeste, K-net, Wibox, etc.).

All access is supervised.
The same network can support other services, current or future, controlled by the authorities such as:

  • video surveillance,
  • access control,
  • WiFi coverage,
  • remote building facilities management,
  • remote public lighting control and remote meter reading, and even
  • the implementation of a nearby data centre.

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